YOU ARE INVITED in most of our languages, but we have some Google doesn't even have yet |
Some ancestors getting ready to come
Karankawan will lead Parade of Ancestors Port Lavaca, Texas March 17, 2012 (click image) |
Camels brought to Texas in 1855 by Juan Gonzales and Jose Mendez, ancestor of Joe Pena (click image) |
Bettina von Arnim, poet, collected fairy tales with Grimm brothers and earliest data on working conditions of Silesian weavers. Free Thinkers named their Texas settlement Bettina (click image) |
Sgt. Wm. H. Barnes, U.S.C.T. Medal of Honor recipient 1866, portrayed by Michael Clay (click image) |
Birdwatchers know Calhoun County claims the greatest diversity of birds anywhere. Now a sociologist tells us we also have the greatest diversity of humans: more languages, ancestries, and occupations in a smaller population (county:21,381; town:11,694) than most anywhere.
Since we have real industrial plants, real farms, real ranches, real oyster- men, real shrimpers,and really big ships in and out, we are, according to same sociologist, the least -- if not the last small coastal town on the whole Atlantic seaboard that isn't -- dependent on tourists and second home owners, and hence we are the most "authentic" small coastal town on the Atlantic seaboard. A trait which, contradictory as it may seem, attracts tourists and second home owners avoiding tourists and second home owners. If you have found your way to our site, created by an authentic 73 year old returning Texan, we have decided to invite you, beginning this year and every third Saturday in March hereafter, to join our All Calhoun County's Cultures and Cuisines Parade of Ancestors on Main Street in Port Lavaca, Texas. March 17 from 11 AM to 4 PM.
Please come as your favorite ancestor, or favorite adopted ancestor or a culture or historic character you just like. This year's 3rd Saturday in March Parade of Ancestors' falls on St. Patrick's Day, but don't come as Lady Gregory and William Butler Yeats. Carolyn Yeats Kuban and her husband Bo are coming as them, even 'tho he's mostly Czech,. But we can use more young Karankawans. They wore only tatoos. 
Planning Committee for March 17 (click image) |
Pictured above are some of the Planning Committee for the All Calhoun Cultures and Cuisines Parade of Ancestors at the February 27, 2012 meeting. Seated, L to R: Mayor Jack Whitlow, Sister Mary Josephine, Mrs. Betty Hicks, Mrs Sabrina Harris, Mr. Robert Ojeda, Mrs. Tina Wu, Mr. Sam Sensabaugh, Mrs. Rose Pena, Mrs. Yung Wei Sensabaugh, Mrs. Earlene Hamilton, Mrs. Myrtle Montier, Mrs. Frances Hartzog, and Rev. Howdy Hartzog, former County Judge. Standing L to R are Mr. Joe Mireles, City Councilman Jim Ward, Mr. Joe Pena, retired Chief of Police, Lisa Lai, Carla Jackson, Michael Clay, and Fabian Balboa. See who we are coming as.