A quick preview of the first reading of
Pageant Parade of Ancestors of All Calhoun County Cultures and Cuisines
on the stage of the 1936 Port LaVaca Main Street Theatre
last Saturday in March
Port La Vaca, Texas
click picture (below right) of Sara and Mrs Albright
some the 40 original cast membersbottom left, Lady Tha as a Karen Lady, Mayor Jack Whitlow as Carlos I of Spain/Karl V, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, behind the Mayor, Betty Hicks as the Griot, next to Mayor, Evelyn Burleson, Democratic County Chair as Margaret, Regent of Netherlands and aunt of Emperor, then Kathleen Leabo as Marquerite of Navarre, Nicoley Cavazos as Elizabeth I at 13, County Commissioner Vern Lyssy as Copernicus, President of Volunteer Fire Department Tom Andrews as Michelangelo, and Karen Lyssy as Santa Teresa de Avila who showed up to read script drafted for annual pageant on the stage of the Port Lavaca Main Street Theatre |
Pageant Storytellers, Cuentista Gayle Mireles, Bard George Anne Cormier, Shuoshu Steinmetz Dun, Griot Betty Hicks |
Ana Alicia Cavazos as Queen Anne, Sara Doolin as Qeen Maria Theresa. Naomi Albright, as Comenius, Kris ta d'Vincent as Maria Sibylla Merian, Gary Ralston as Ole Roemer, Republican County Chair Russell Cain as La Salle, and Myrtle Montier as Madame Talon |
Click PICTURE to hear Mrs. Albright quote Comenius, founder of public education |