MAIN STREET PORT LAVACA TEXAS ALL CALHOUN COUNTY CULTURES AND CUISINES FIRST ANNUAL PARADE OF ANCESTORS Saturday, March 17, 2012 and every 3rd Saturday of March hereafter 11 AM to 4 PM Come as your favorite ancestor, or adopted favorite character from the past, and feast with us
Planning Committee for Port Lavaca's 1st All County Cultures and Cuisines Parade of Ancestors. Seated: L to R, Mayor Jack Whitlow, Sister Mary Josephine, Betty Hicks, Sabrina Harris, Robert Ojeda, Tina Wu, Sam Sensabaugh, Rose Pena, Yung Sensabaugh, Earlene Hamilton, Myrtle Montier, Frances Hartzog, Rev. Howard Hartzog. Standing L to R: Joe Mireles, Councilman Jim Ward, Joe Pena, Lisa Lai, Carla Jackson, Michael Clay, Fabian Balboa |
Now why are we doing this? |
| Why are we doing this? Digging out ancient hand-me-down clothes and calling grandmother for her recipe for... Here's why...Who's coming as whom? Rose Pena is coming as Karankawan mother of us all. Mayor Jack Whitlow is coming as Return of Pierre Talon We're celebrating his birthday, along with St. Patrick's. Tina Wu is our China Poblana, this year. Russell Cain, you can only see his knee in the picture above, is always La Salle, who landed here February 20, 1865. Michael Clay is Wm.Barnes, 1st African American to receive the Medal of Honor, died here, 1866. Estevanico and Cabeza de Vaca, here before LaSalle.. (more) What're we going to feast upon?