New Sunday What is to be done?
- ان ساعات العمل الطويلة التي امضتها الاجيال السابقة في الارض ادت الى انتاج الزيت الذي غير الكثير من الامور في الحياة فهذه الساعات الطويلة التي قضاها الانسان في العمل تحولت الى دقائق في عملية الانفاق وكثر الجشع وحب الانفاق وتغيرت احوال الاجيال الجديدة.
Las monedas privadas de las patrias corren a cada rincón del mundo para untar los intercambios. El petróleo intercambia los años de viejos sabios por minutos vendidos a los niños, hasta que el grito ¨¡Aproveche el tiempo!¨ signifique “Aproveche el valor del tiempo promedio mundial aumentado por todos menos aquel necesitado por todos.” Esta es la abundancia común. ¡Destétela de la avaricie!
8. 目前对于私有化阶级财产不断涌入世界上每一个角落以及贿赂交换这些问题,我们将要做什么呢,石油改变了劳动力在不同时代的分配原则,从旧时代依靠劳动力的生产,过渡到机器生产进而使得年轻的男女不得不付出他们大量的劳动力时间来消费这一产品。直到有人呐喊:“抓住时间”。
Performance text
Several, maybe seven millienia, since ‘in the beginning was the word.”.. writ. Since mothers and brothers and sons added names: uncles and nephews, and husbands and wives, daughters’ father’s nieces, sisters, aunts. And thence came claims in the Name of the Father the Son WHolely Goes'to serve well;
Well, What is to be done? Now that privatized patrias monies flow into each global nook Grease exchanges, oil changes LABOR years of old wizards into seconds sold boys, -- and girls, -- for their lives Til Cries “Seize the time” mean seize the surplus labor time Seize the diff er ence between World Average labor time we add Minus that in what we need This is the common wealth, Monetized, privatized, we still see the artistry of money changers steal. Yet we can learn and write a bill We have to speak, We can’t be meek We have to speak. We can’t be sleek. it’s all about time, our time, ‘bout time to seek an international minimum wage for a 36 hour week. ("That is too modest," say French, Germans and Greeks "We need work only 20 without princes and chics") Freedom...'s free time. Money's merely a measuring spoon, a tray on a scale made for weighing fair trade. Save the family, make more art, master science, mind my heart. With war and greed we’re still far from done Humanization has just begun BUT IT HAS BEGUN. and we’ve begun reknewing words written once sung and resung (exit singing Epilogue to walking tune Julia Ward Howe heard union soldiers singing)