Waiting husbands' labor for another mother cult, frees other's womb sons to dwell in tents |
Friday Evolution of Classes, the State, and many other things
عندما يقضي بعض الذكور اوقاتهم في اعمال مختلفة يعطي هذا غيرهم من الذكور التابعين لامهات اخريات الوقت الكافي لايجاد الوسيلة لحكم البلاد. ويعطي الذكور الحق بحكم الارض وبتحديد اوقات عمل غيرهم من الذكور . يتزوج الذكر العامل من امراة تنجب ذرية عاملة تقوم بالاعمال المتنوعة بينما الذرية التي تنحدر من طبقة الحكام بعيدة عن هذه الاعمال.
El tiempo sobrante de trabajo de los esposos que al esperar, sirven al culto materno suegro, libera a los hijos úteros del culto materno suegro para ayudarle trazar medidas de la tierra, decir la hora, nombrar reyes y otorgarles derechos privados a los yernos. Entonces sus hermanas parirán obreros, pero no herederos.( Atena dan ciudadanía a los inmigrantes para juntarse en el ejercito; lo demás sean esclavos)
Waiting husbands’ labor time for another mother cult frees the other’s womb sons to DWELL IN TENTS, stud intense?students help Mom divine Measures to rule out the land, tell time, name non kin—kings, Design fraternal rites, brother in law rights to win men to defend matri kin from which they don’t descend. Private rights, just to them, not to extend to their whole matri kin. So waiting ladies bore more labor, but not heirs with claims to share the wealth their Surplus Labor Time put on the shelf.
(performance text continues: performer refers to book: Greek Mythology)
Mothers of the matri-clan Athena call in their son, “Solon, write this invite to Any man of any matri clan, squatting on Athena’s lands to sit with you brothers round our temple site as citizens of Athens. pledged to defend us to the end” Like you, our son, used to, and now, in lieu of you. Solon: Phwew. citizen duty, come with what rights? Mothers: The right to be a citizen is the right to be not a slave. Solon: the mothers?, how says Athena I write women’s rights? Mothers: Watch your step Sons can not write mother rites. We give all gif t’ us. Solon: No, I mean the other mothers of the matri kin whose men you’re making citizen? Aren’t they to be citizens too? Mothers: Son, how do you think the wealth piling up in our temple’s provided? By their abiding about our abode; obeying our bidding while biding their time for the bread they rely on we daily provide. If their women were citizen, their babes would be heirs, and you’d have to share the clinics, and schools, their surplus laborsprepare. We make some of their sons citizens soldiers so the rest sow or sew and soforth as they’re bade, otherwise they’re bad. Solon: you arm sons to enslave their mothers? Mothers: And most of their brothers. It’s a moral mess, progress. Solon: And a big task, I’ll have to ask.. Mothers: Aeschylus to write a tragedy for citizens to see loyalty to matri-clan above the state will violate taboos against incest and matricide. Taboos bar the way to Decay. Just sigh and say: "mothers will die if sons don’t go die for pie in the sky." Nice old lie.